Strengthening Independent Media in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia
To improve access to useful information for citizens of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia by strengthening the capacity of local media, applying innovations in journalism, encouraging dialogue among young people, teaching older people to access the Internet and stimulating collaboration among journalists in the three countries.
“Moldova Plus”
This program includes seven multimedia packages produced with the help of journalists from national media outlets selected in a contest by the IJC. Multimedia packages include videos, audio material, written material, infographics, interactive maps and games and contests covering topics of national interest. The packages are to be taken over by nine local media outlets that are partners of the project. Local partners benefit from micro-grants to produce their own multimedia materials with content intended for the public in the communities where they work.
Cross-Border Reports
These will focus on topics of interest for the citizens of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. Packages of regional articles will be produced with the joint efforts of journalists from the three countries supported by the IJC in Moldova, Internews Georgia in Georgia and Internews Ukraine in Ukraine.
The Innovation Fund Contest
Media outlets will be able to access resources to modernize technology in their offices. This support will help independent media organizations implement innovations and become examples for other outlets.
The Media Hackathon
This event will connect software developers, media and citizens/media activists in order to create online applications and tools that independent media can use to better serve their information needs.
Media Innovation Lab
The event will take place in Kiev and will promote the use of information communication technologies and online platforms to help the media increase content accessibility for their audiences and to involve them in discussions of topics of major interest. Participants will include journalists and IT specialists from the three countries targeted by the project.
The European Café Discussion Club and the Media Education Camp
These activities are aimed exclusively at young people through which the IJC intends to promote their critical thinking and civic spirit by discussing topics of interest to them.
Grandmothers Online (Bunica Online)
This component is designed to popularize the use of the Internet among older people, especially those in rural areas, to better engage them in social life and in their communities.