The most highly developed democratic societies in the world demonstrate that a truly democratic society is one informed by a free press.
Since 1994, IJC activities have considerably contributed to improving the quality of the press in the Republic of Moldova, yet we still have a lot of work to do to make our media genuinely free, not just partially free as current Freedom House reports reveal.
Traditionally, we have been supported by a variety of international organizations via various projects; however, as we have an increasingly open society, we would like to offer all people who care about the quality of our media an opportunity to support the IJC by making donations.
In this way, the work of the IJC will become more efficient, and those who donate can directly monitor the way their funding is spent by accessing IJC activity and audit reports. Donations can be transferred directly into the IJC bank account.
For donations in lei:
Fiscal code: 1009620000479
IBAN account: MD36VI225100000103796MDL
BCA Victoriabank, Branch No.3, Chisinau
Bank code VICBMD2X416
For donations in US dollars:
Fiscal code: 1009620000479
IBAN account: MD51VI000222401700103796EUR
BCA Victoriabank, Branch No.3, Chisinau
Bank code VICBMD2X416
For donations in Euros:
Fiscal code: 1009620000479
IBAN account: MD26VI000222400100103796USD
BCA Victoriabank, Branch No.3, Chisinau
Bank code VICBMD2X416
Alternatively, those wishing to contribute can contact us by phone or e-mail for more details. We intend to develop an option for donating via a crowdfunding system and will announce it when it is operational.
In addition, the IJC is on the national list of public benefit organizations which means that taxpayers can redirect 2% of their income taxes to the IJC by means of our fiscal code (IDNO) 1009620000479. For more details on this procedure, please follow this link.
A free and fair press is a must for a democratic society as well as for a better life for all Moldovan citizens. By helping us, you contribute to the democratization of the Republic of Moldova.
We would like to thank you in advance. We are grateful for your support!